Antimicrobial agent synthetically produced.
Chemistry – synthetic, belongs to oxazolidinones
Mechanism of Action – binds 23S rRNA in 50S unit. By this mechanism inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria.
Antibacterial activity
Gram positive organisms including:
a. Staphylococci
b. Streptococci
c. Enterococci
d. L. monocytogenes
e. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Given by oral or I/V route. Undergoes non-enzymatic oxidation.
Adverse effects
- Myelosuppression (most common is thrombocytopenia) seen if treatment is undertaken for more than 2 weeks
- Peripheral and optic neuropathies
- Monoamine oxidase inhibition; care is taken when taking adrenergic or serotonergic drugs as can cause:
- Headache
- Palpitiations
- Hypertension crisis
In these patients.
- Mainly for resistant cases like Vancomycin resistant E.faecium
- Community-acquired pneumonia
- Skin infections by resistant strains of gram positive microorganisms
- Usually drug of choice for MDR gram positive bacterial infections
They are of two types; A and B.
Quinupristin (B)
Dalfopristin (A)
Used in combination in ration of 30:70 (B:A)
Mechanism of action
Protein synthesis inhibitor by binding 50S subunit of ribosomal RNA.
- Quinupristin binds same site as macrolides.
- Dalfopristin binds close by site.
- Thus have synergistic activity in inhibiting protein synthesis.
Antibacterial spectrum
Gram positive cocci –especially MDR strains.
Resistance seen because of:
- Mutation due to alteration in binding site
- Inactivation by bacteria
- In some drug is effluxed out.
Given I/V excreted in feces.
Streptogramins are CYP3A4 inhibitors
Adverse effects
1. Local irritation
2. Arthralgia
3. Myalgia syndrome
1. Staphylocci
2. Vancomycin resistant E.faecium
Drugs are not given systemically but applied topically.
Fusidic Acid
- Inhibits protein synthesis
- Active against gram positive cocci esp. staphylocicci
Topically for:
- boils
- folliculitis
Systemically causes hepatocellular damage, so not given.
- Surface active agent which disrupts cell membranes in bacteria.
- Effective against gram negative organisms.
- Used topically on skin, eye, ear and mucous membranes in combination with other antibacterial drugs like Bacitracin.
- It is not given systemically as is nephrotoxic.
- Cell wall inhibitor.
- Active against gram positive organisms
- Topically given in combination with neomycin or polymyxin (which are effective against gram negative bacteria)
- Not given systemically because is nephrotoxic
Not an antibiotic actually is urinary antiseptic.
Mechanism of Action
When given orally in body there are enzymes which reduce nitrofurantoin into reactive intermediate. These damage DNA.
These enzymes are more in bacteria and this reaction takes place at a much higher rate in bacteria. Thus there are less systemic effects.
Antimicrobial activity
- Enterococci
- E.coli
Organisms like proteus, pseudomonas are resistant to this.
Administered orally.
Excretion – Glomerular Filtration and Tubular secretion. Excreted in urine.
Action is better in acidic urine.
Adverse effects
1. Hypersensitvity –articaria, skin rash, fever, chills
2. Pneumonitis in form of pulmonary infiltrates and fibrosis
3. Neuropathies, some neurological symptoms
4. Hemolytic anemia in patients of G-6-PD deficiency
5. Chronic hepatitis in some patients
- Acidic urine
- Uncomplicated UTI
- Prophylaxis – recurrent UTI
Given in course of 2 weeks, then rest period, again course is repeated.
Not given to pregnant females and children under 14 years of age.