Haemophilus influenzae is a gram negative coccobacillus (short rod), which is non-motile, capsular and ong thread-like and pleomorphic in CSF specimen.
Route of Entry
H. influenzae infects humans only. It enters through the upper respiratory tract.
After entry of the organism, there are two fates:
• Asymptomatic colonization
• Infection
The organism produces IgA protease, which breaks down secretory IgA, therefore facilitating attachment to the respiratory mucosa.
Encapsulated variety enters blood stream and spreads to meninges. Non- encapsulated variety causes local infections.
The capsule of most lethal varieties is composed of polyribitol phosphate and is antiphagocytic. Endotoxin is lipopolysaccharide.
Virulence factors
• Capsule
• Endotoxin
• IgA protease
Predisposing factors
• Immunocompromised
• Childrens 6 months to 6 years of age
Clinical symptoms
Symptoms of invasive infections include:
- Meningitis
- Fever
- Headache
- Stiff neck
- Sepsis
- Epiglottitis
Symptoms of local infections include:
• Sinusitis
• Otitis media
• Conjunctivitis
• Pneumonia
Lab- Diagnosis
• Nasopharyngeal specimen
• Pus
• Blood
Features observed under microscope include:
• Gram negative coccobacillus
• Non-motile
• Capsular
• Long thread-like and pleomorphic in CSF specimen

Chocolate agar plus factor X (heme compound) plus factor V (NAD)
Mucoid colonies are formed. Factor X is required to produce essential enzymes e.g cyctochromes, catalases, peroxidases. Factor V is an electron carrier.
Biochemical tests
Biochemical tests are not usually done. B-biotypes are differentiated by indole, urease and ornithine decarboxylase tests.
Serological tests
• Quelling reaction
• Fluorescent- antibody staining
• Counter-immunoelectrophoresis
• Latex agglutination test.
- Ceftriaxone
- In case of local infection –amoxicillin– clavulanate is given.