Posterior tibial artery arises at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, as a continuation of popliteal artery. It passes downwards deep to the gastrecnemius and soleus muscles as well as the deep transverse fascia of the leg. It lies on the posterior surface of tibialis posterior above and the posterior surface of tibia below.
In the lower part of the leg, the artery is covered by skin and fascia. The artery passes behind the medial malleolus deep to the flexor retinaculum and terminates by dividing into medial and lateral plantar arteries.
Grey’s Anatomy 20th edition
1. Peroneal artery:
Peroneal artery is large and arises close to the origin of posterior tibial artery. It descends behind the fibula, either within the substance of flexor hallucis longus or posterior to it. It gives:
a. Muscular branches
b. Nutrient artery to fibula
c. Perforating branch pierces the interosseous membrane to reach the lower part of the front of leg.
d. Branches piercing posterior fascial septum supply the peroneal muscles.
It ends by taking part in the anastomosis around the ankle joint.
2. Muscular branches to the posterior compartment.
3. Nutrient artery to tibia
4. Anastomotic branches: Supply the ankle joint
Terminal branches:
Medial Plantar artery:
It is the smaller of the terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery. It arises beneath the flexor retinaculum and passes forward deep to abductor hallucis. It ends by supplying the medial side of the big toe. During its course, it gives:
1. Muscular branches
2. Cutaneous branches
3. Articular branches
Lateral Plantar Artery:
It is the larger of the terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery. It arises beneath the flexor retinaculum and passes forward deep to abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum brevis. On reaching the base of fifith metatarsal bone, it curves medially to form the plantar arch. At the proximal end of the first inter metatarsal space, it joins the dorsalis pedis artery.
It gives:
1. Muscular branches
2. Cutaneous branches
3. Articular branches
Plantar arch gives off plantar digital arteries to the toes.
Plantar arteries
Grey’s Anatomy 20th edition