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Cross-Sectional Studies

Concept of prevalence pool

Cross sectional studies are conducted at a single point in time or over a short period of time. There is …

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Case Reports and Case Series

Research 3

A case report is a detailed report by a physician of an unusual disease in a single person. The population …

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Study Designs

types of epidemiological studies

The research designs may be roughly categorized as ‘Observational’ or ‘Experimental’. The experimental studies are done on variables whose control …

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Data Collection in Research

Research 2

Investigator may collect data by direct interview, mail of questionnaire, review of previously collected data, histories and other similar methods. …

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Sample Selection and Sampling Techniques

research process

The subject selection is important for planning your research project. You need to think about how you are going to …

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Research Hypothesis

Steps in designing and conducting research

‘Hypothesis is a statement containing two or more variables that are measurable or potentially measurable and that specify how the …

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Variables in Research

Research types

Variable is a measurable or quantifiable characteristic of a person, object or phenomenon that can take different values. Variables are …

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Formulation of Objectives in Research

Research 3

A goal is general and long term overall desired outcome for a project. It is bigger in impact than an …

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Review of Literature for Research Purpose

Research 2

Once you have decided upon a research project and you are able to sum up your proposed research in one …

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Formulating a Research Question

research process

Designing scientific research is an art that can be learnt only by practice. We all are involved in doing research …

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