Home » Pharmacology (page 10)


Pharmacology of Alcohols

Alcohols are manufactured by fermentation of sugar. Important alcoholic beverages are malted liquids like beer and wines. Classification Monohydroxy Ethyl …

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Local Anesthetics

Definition Drugs which –  produce a REVERSIBLE loss of sensation … –  in a localized part of the body….. –  …

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Intravenous Anesthetics

Commonly used for induction because of rapid onset of action. They act within seconds and produce unconsciousness. There is no …

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Nitrous Oxide and Cyclopropane

Chemical and Physical Properties a.       Chemically it is dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) b.      Odourless c.       Colourless d.      Heavier than air e.  …

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Methoxyflurane, Ethyl chloride, Trichloroethylene and Chloroform

Methoxyflurane It is highly nephrotoxic a.       Part is metabolized by beta-lyase b.      More than 30% is metabolized by liver producing …

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Desflurane, Sevoflurane, Enflurane and Isoflurane

Desflurane Rapid onset & recovery Desflurane has low blood gas partition coefficient, thus rapid onset and recovery. Pungent / irritant …

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Chemical and Physical Properties Halogenated compound chemically. 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane Volatile, so kept in sealed bottles Odorless Colorless Non-irritant Non-explosive Non-inflammable Light-sensitive, …

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Inhalational Anesthetics

Mostly anesthetics are given intravenously, but different delivery systems are used for inhalational anesthetics: Mode of Delivery a.      Open Drop …

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General Anesthetics

General Anesthesia “Global but reversible depression of CNS function resulting in the loss of response to and perception of all …

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Preanesthetic Medication

Before anesthesia, a group of drugs are used to prepare the patient, administered from half an hour before the surgery …

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