Home » Ophthalmology » Protocol of Examination of Posterior Segment of Eye

Protocol of Examination of Posterior Segment of Eye

The steps involved in examination of posterior segment of eye may be summarized as:

  1. Introduction
  2. Visual acuity checked grossly
  3. Check settings:
    • High illumination
    • High magnification
    • Slit beam
  4. Check patients stool height place patient face and adjust lateral canthus.
  5. Examine anterior vitreous face setting for counting cells
  6. Check setting (90D)
    • Medium illumination
    • Low magnification
    • Slit beam
  7. Examine:
    • Posterior hyaloids face of vitreous
    • Disc, Macula, Vessels.
    • For periphery ask patient to look in all direction of gazes
  8. Check Setting:
    • Red free filter
  9. Examine:
    • Posterior hyaloids face
    • Nerve fiber layer
    • Vascular pathology
  10. I would like to examine with triple mirror and indirect 0phthalmoscope (if pathology or absolutely normal)
  11. Thank the patient and make him sit back and turn off the slit lamp.

slit lamp


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