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Intracellular Accumulations

Fatty liver

Intracellular accumulations include the following: 1.    Water (hydropic change) 2.    Fatty change: fats may accumulate in the liver as fatty …

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Cellular Aging

Aging process

Cellular death due to aging is caused by accumulation of injurious events and genetically controlled developmental programme. Mechanism of Aging …

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Types of Necrosis

Structural changes of cells undergoing necrosis or apoptosis

Necrosis may be coagulative, liquifactive, caseous, fat necrosis, gummatous necrosis or fibrinoid necrosis. Coagulative Necrosis Coagulative necrosis is the commonest …

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Structural changes of cells undergoing necrosis or apoptosis

Necrosis is the denaturation of proteins & enzymatic digestion. It is irreversible local cell death and cellular dissolution in living …

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TNF signalling pathway

Apoptosis is the programmed cell death or suicide in which the cell membrane remains intact. No inflammatory reaction takes place. …

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Cell Death


Cell death is the ultimate result of irreversible injury. It may be: a.    Physiological –e.g. during embryogenesis b.    Therapeutic –e.g. …

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Cell Injury


Stress beyond the adaptive limit of the cell results in cell injury. Cell injury may be: a. Reversible injury: stimulus …

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Cervical Metaplasia

Cervical metaplasia

Uterine cervix protrudes in upper vagina and contains endocervical canal, linking uterine cavity to vagina. Endocervical canal is lined by …

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Atrophy of Testes

Atrophy of testes

Testes may undergo atrophy, i.e. shrinkage in size of cells by loss of cell substance. Causes: Progressive atherosclerotic narrowing of …

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Endometrial Hyperplasia


It is the most common example. The proliferative activity of endometrium is controlled by increased estrogen, which is then stopped …

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