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Cephalosporins are the derivatives from fungus cephalosporium, cultured near sea. Classification Classified into four generations depending upon antibacterial spectrum. 1st …

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Penicillins have made revolution in chemotherapy. They were discovered in 1929 by Alexander Fleming. He noticed colony of Staphylococci, which …

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Trimethoprim and Co-trimoxazole

Main problem with sulphonamides is that of resistance. Thus uses are declining. They are used in combination. Co-trimoxazole is combination …

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Sulfonamides were the first antimicrobial agents discovered and used. A group of scientists working on different dyes found a compound …

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Chemotherapy –An Introduction

Antimicrobial Drugs Antimicrobial drugs are the greatest contribution of 20th century to therapeutics Advent has changed the out look of …

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Oral Anti Diabetic Drugs

Sulfonylureas Ist Generation Tolbutamide Acetohexamide Chlorpropamide 2nd Generation Glibenclamide (glyburide) Glipizide Glimepiride Meglitinide Repaglinide D-Phenyl alanine Derivative Nateglinide Biguanide Metformin …

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Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin

Diabetes Mellitus Derived from Greek word diabainain: to pass through It is a state of high glucose levels which may …

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Thyroid Hormones and Drugs

What Are Hormones? Chemicals that are released into the bloodstream Regulators of specific body functions Thyroid Thyroid is the largest …

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Drug Treatment of Infertility

Normally sequence of events start from hypothalamus with gonadotropic releasing hormones acting on gonadotropic cells of pituitary to cause release …

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Androgens and Anabolic Steroids

Source & Biosynthesis Mainly by Leydig cells of testis (95% by leydig cells, 5% by adrenals) In females, both ovaries …

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